Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing

In light of the recent events in Wisconsin, where governor walker and his team of republican senators have effectively silenced the voice of the government Worker, cyberspace has been chattering away.  One of the biggest arguments on the right, and I’m talking about the common republican citizen, is that Unions, while serving a purpose many years ago, have no place in our world today.

What I find so shocking about this is the fact that the corporation has effectively zipped up his sheep suit and now walks amongst his prey.  We’re at a point now where people no longer believe that corporations follow the “profits over people” mentality.  I’ve got to hand it to all those public relations departments, they did a hell of a job pulling the wool over the worker’s eyes.  Now we’re all hanging out, having a good time – one big happy family.  Corporation and worker, together again.

The problem here is that this is all a big farce.  Market forces do not dictate corporate actions, which is clearly evident by the fact that even in this recession, these businesses are recording record profits, yet aren’t hiring people on to the payrolls.  They are just sitting atop their mountains of cash and looking down on their peons.  And because no one seems to be looking up at them and realizing what is going on, the first domino against the voice of the worker has fallen – the rest are sure to follow soon.

When people see the word “Union,” they should be seeing what it really means and that is “Worker’s rights.”  Anyone who say’s Unions have no place in today’s world are really saying that the Worker has no rights in today’s world.  And once the Union counterweight to profits over people has been eliminated, the corporation will rip off that sheep skin and show his true colors.  And it will not matter if your are Liberal or conservative, Democrat or republican – YOU are what’s for dinner.

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